

博客作者已获得原文作者Akira Satoyoshi授权翻译发表


今年4月底,我买了一把Maton ebg808TE。对新琴爱不释手,却苦于弦距太高,手感不适。经过测量,12品弦距达到了3mm。其实12品弦距在2.5mm~3.5mm之间属于正常范围,但我之前的Martin 000x1ae在1品和12品的弦距都非常低,我习惯了这样的手感。

5月初,在Youtube上我观看了一些Maton ebg808TE的视频,其中一个就是Akira弹奏的。我被他的演奏打动了,也就想试着请教一下他关于这把琴应该怎样调整手感。当时仅仅是在Youtube上简单的留言,Akira很快地回复了我,并给我留了邮箱以便我咨询更多的问题。

我试着发了封信过去,请教他对于Maton ebg808TE这把琴,在琴颈调直的情况下,应该怎样做才能将手感调得更好。


  1. 打磨下弦枕可以调节12品弦距,若想12品弦距减少n毫米,则需要将下弦枕磨短2n毫米
  2. 但1品弦距无法通过打磨下弦枕调节
  3. 需要挫上弦枕调节1品弦距



  • nut 上弦枕
  • saddle 下弦枕
  • action 弦距












Hi, ok then first you can watch this vedio. This is a very good video to understand how to remove the nut. Removing a nut isn't very difficult. But be very careful when you clean the slot on the neck. There's sometimes old glue left in the slot and you have to get rid of it before putting a new nut in. Otherwise the bottom of the new nut won't touch the slot perfectly and it affects the sound.

For making a new nut I liked those websites and videos. They are really helpful.




The photo below is the ideal nut slot depth that many people talk about and I think it's true. I like it too. For the 6th ~ 4th strings, the depth should be that the top half of the strings sticks out of the nut slots. This allows the strings vibrates more. For the 3rd ~ 1st strings, the depth should be that the strings are just completely in the slots. I even made the 3rd strings stick out a little and it sounds better. So when you are adjusting the nut slot depth, you might have to file it quite deep to get the perfect action for you. In that case the strings are too deep in the nut, then you'll have to file down the top of the nut so that the strings sit just like the photos below.


The photos below is about how much of the strings are touching(sitting) on the nut. When you file a nut slots you have to make sure that you file it at an angle TOWARDS the string post hole, not too high or low than the hole.

After filing the slots, you can file down the yellow part by filing at a sharper angle(lower than the string post hole) so strings DON'T touch the filed part.


This is a photo looking at a nut from above after you've filed the yellow part. The black part is where strings are touching. Like 50% of the strings are sitting on the nut. By doing this the tension on the strings become lighter, making it easy to play. And the sound becomes brighter compared to when you don't do this trick.


This photo is about intonation.

When you file nut slots, make sure the highest contact point is at the blue circled spot( exactly where the nut and fretboard touch each other).

If you file the slot like the yellow line, the highest point is on the yellow circled spot. It means it's like the scale of your guitar neck is longer which makes your guitar go out of tune all the time.


Nut has to fit without any gap on all the sides and bottom like this photo.


You can check it with a light like this. I just used my iPhone torch and it works fine. If there's gap you can see the light coming through and it's not a good news!


For nut action, this website below is so great. A perfect explanation. I think this part is the main reason you want to replace the nut right?

Oh and Is your 808TE a newer model? If yours has a kangaroo inlay and reddish colour back and sides, the nut and saddles are bone. My older model had black nut and saddle made of some mixture of glass and plastic.


I learnt everything on the internet. So you can do research by your self too. Just search by "how to shape a guitar nut" "how to file nut slots". And it will show you lots of links. Lots of videos available on youtube too. One of the important thing I can say is that to do it slowly, don't rush and be patient because once you file a nut too much, you'll have to start a new one again!

Let me know if you need anything else.

First work on nut then you can change the saddle.

If you need my help for the saddle, just write me again and I'll give you some advise. Just be gentle on your guitar because you don't wanna wreck your guitar! No one wants to:) Good luck!
